For in-person ADHD and learning disorder evaluations, is there anything I need to bring to the appointment?
Please bring with you copies any documents that you might feel necessary, such as academic history (report cards, transcripts) or previous assessments.
How long is the in-person assessment?
An assessment can last between two and a half to five hours, depending on what we are assessing for. The first hour of the appointment is a discussion to learn more about the symptoms that you have been experiencing and how they have been affecting your life. The next portion of the appointment includes a combination of filling out questionnaires and participating in other activities.
What happens after the assessment/testing appointment?
Your last appointment is often called the Results Session or Feedback Appointment. During this appointment, which is typically two weeks after your testing appointment, Dr. Fischer will discuss the results of your testing and recommendations. A detailed report will be provided to you.
How do I prepare for an in-person assessment?
• It is important to get a good night sleep and feel well rested prior to your evaluation.
• Be sure to eat a nourishing meal the morning of testing.
• Try to avoid sugary, high carb options as they can leave you feeling tired and sluggish.
• Take any medications as prescribed with the exception of stimulant medications or other medications for ADHD. If you are already taking medications for ADHD, please contact your prescribing physician and let them know you will be involved in an ADHD evaluation. It is best you do not take these types of medications the morning of testing, but please follow your prescribing physician’s orders.
• While you/your child cannot eat during testing, feel free to bring healthy snacks and decaffeinated beverages to your appointments as you may need a break. Try to avoid sugary snacks.
• Please arrive early. Arriving late or rushed can increase anxiety and interfere with performance.
• If you or your child is ill, please call to reschedule, keeping in mind the late cancel fee noted in the Document of Informed Consent and Cancelation Policy.
Are people normally nervous about the assessment?
It is normal to feel a little bit of anxiety prior to the appointment. Dr. Fischer will do her best to help you feel comfortable during the process. She will ask several times throughout if you need or want to take a break to walk around, use the restroom, or eat a snack.
How do I talk to my child about the appointment?
It is important for parents to help their children feel as relaxed as possible going into the evaluation. When describing the process to your child, it might be helpful to let them know we will be doing some activities, such as puzzles, looking at pictures, and using blocks to help us learn how they learn best. For academic evaluations, some parents will say they are bringing their child to see a doctor to figure out what type of school would be best for him/her.
The word “testing” can bring up anxiety and fear. Please try to avoid using the word “test” as much as possible. Letting them know there are not “right or wrong” answers might help reduce any anxiety.
Let your child know that they will be meeting with Dr. Fischer alone, however you are welcome to come back to the testing room with them to help them get settled. A lot of times, parents are also completing questionnaires at the same time. This can be done in the lobby while your child is testing. If your child needs a break or needs to use the restroom during testing, Dr. Fischer and your child will come find you in the lobby. If your child’s intake appointment and testing appointment are scheduled back-to-back, you will be asked to leave the room after the intake and prior to testing.
What if I want to talk to you without my child in the room?
You will be able to meet with Dr. Fischer without your child present. However, if your child is under 10 years old, it is best that s/he is not part of the intake appointment. If your child is over 10 years old, s/he is welcome to participate. Dr. Fischer does not allow children under 10 years old unoccupied in the waiting room. This could mean that you will need another adult or responsible teenager with you to watch children under 10 years old during the intake portion. Also, please note that testing can be between two and five hours in length. The waiting room does have some toys, but it not set up to entertain younger siblings for long hours. Please either leave other small children with babysitters or plan to bring other toys to entertain younger children.