What can I expect during a bariatric pre-surgical evaluation?
All bariatric or weight loss appointments are conducted via telehealth. It is recommended that the appointments are taken at home or in a private location as there are several personal questions that will be discussed.
During the evaluation, there will be a questionnaire that you complete online. Dr. Fischer will send you an email with a link to the questionnaire during the appointment. It is easiest to answer these on a laptop or desktop computer. You will complete the questionnaire while we are on the Telehealth visit and review once you are finished.
Can I do the evaluation via Telehealth?
Yes, all bariatric surgery evaluation appointments are conducted via Telehealth.
How long does a bariatric pre-surgical evaluation take?
Typically, the appointment is about two hours. If follow up visits are requested or required, the follow up visits are 50 minutes.
What is included in the evaluation appointment?
During the evaluation, Dr. Fischer will go through a handout that helps not only prepare for you for bariatric surgery, but also provide information about what to expect post-surgery.
Will I receive a copy of the evaluation?
Yes, after the evaluation, Dr. Fischer will send you a copy, typically within 48 hours.
If follow up visits are requested or required, what do we discuss?
During follow up visits, Dr. Fischer will help you continue to prepare for bariatric surgery. Topics are dependent on the patient but can includes topics such as how to reduce emotional eating or help with making other required behavioral changes.